Friday, January 8, 2010

And the Shutter Just Keeps on Clicking

Yes, I’m in a modeling mode in the past few days, and it didn’t stop today either. 

However, some of you have emailed me to ask why do I always put 1 or more fingers into my mouth.  Hello?  Don’t you know this is the latest trend?  Just take a look at this cover of Vogue (my Bible) magazine cover.  Yes, I know it’s in Russian, but Uncle Gorbachev was Daddy’s buddy, so he has all kinds of Russian magazines in the house.  (Yes, and all of them have good looking models on the cover too!)

Anyway, here are more pictures.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year, New Pictures

Now that we're back home from the week-long Christmas celebration, it’s time for me to cleanse myself and rest, so that my natural beauty will resurface.  What I did not know is that, my beauty has never left!?  And when I looked into the mirror this morning, I was literally shocked by my beauty!  So to capture the moment, I asked Mommy to take some pictures of me. 

So what do you think of my New Year look?